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Study & Research Skills

A guide to smart study and research skills

There's never enough time!  Time management is a key skill to learn which will benefit your study and work in the future.  Making the best of your previous time will contribute to your success.

Here are some helpful tips:

1. Prioritise

  • Not enough time to study? Limit your time doing other things like watching TV or handing out with friends

  • Need a break? Use fun social activities as rewards when you complete something on your to-do list

  • Eat the frog! As Mark Twain once said “If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.”  Start your day by ticking off one of the biggest items on your to-do list.  Not only can you complete a hard task while you're feeling fresh, you'll get a confidence boost and continue the day on a positive note!

2. Planners & Schedules

One of the hardest things about being a student isn't necessarily the actual work we'll be doing, but rather finding the time to do that work. We all lead busy lives, we procrastinate, and there's always something we'd rather be watching on Netflix than doing homework. One of the best ways to make sure we've got the time to study is to create a study timetable. Before you cringe at the term, check out the 3 steps for making a study timetable that you will actually stick to. [read more...]

Learn more about planning for the term, the week and even your day... [Deakin University Study Skills]

3. Find your zone // Work less!

When is your zone?  |  Elevate Education

Our bodies are naturally most focused, and primed for action at a certain point of the day. Until we pay attention and actually work out when this period is, we often don't know it exists. For many people it is in the first few hours of the morning. For some people, they focus best after lunch. For the unfortunate few, it's at 2am. Whenever your zone of effectiveness is, that period when you're most focused and get lots of work done, find it and use it to study and revise your most important topics. (From Elevate Education)


Tasks, not time!

It's very easy to fall into the trap of treating study like a part-time job; clock on and clock off. The difference is, while you might get paid for your time in a part-time job, your time investment with study simply does not pay off. If you study for 3 hours, does that mean you earned yourself 3 hours worth of marks on your final exam? Not necessarily.   (From Elevate Education)