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Ancient Australia: Home

Explore the world's oldest continuing culture

Aboriginal rock painting, Nourlangie, Kakadu National Park, Australia

Source: Paul Mannix

In this topic you'll learn all about Ancient Australia and the culture of the Indigenous peoples who inhabited Australia in ancient times. You will focus primarily on the Kulin Nation, who lived -- and still live -- on the land Melbourne now sits on. Click through the tabs at the top of this page to focus in on a topic, or read through the resources below for a general overview to start off your investigation into Ancient Australia.

Blacademia – A podcast of yarns with First Nations/Indigenous academics


Gamilaroi woman Amy Thunig launched her podcast, Blacademia, late last year and it’s been at the top of our binge-list ever since. As an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Educational Studies at Macquarie University, lecturing and researching in the area of Indigenous knowledges and formal education systems, Thunig is sharing her knowledge and passion for her culture with listeners. In each ep, Thunig chats with First Nations academics including Gamilaraay woman and astrophysicist Karlie Noon, who was the first Aboriginal person on the East coast of Australia to graduate with a combined Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Science.

Black Magic Woman – Australian Audio Guide

Black Magic Woman With Mundanara Bayles

Hosted by Mundanara Bayles, put Black Magic Woman to the top of your list. Featuring open and uplifting conversations with First Nations people, creating a better understanding of First Nations people’s culture and history—this podcast is an absolute treat. Bayles yarns with everyone from Wiradjuri elder Uncle David Bell, founder of Young Spirit Mentoring Program, Karen Mundine, CEO of Reconciliation Australia and Dr Anita Heiss.

Beyond The History and Archaeology Headlines.jpg

The Archaeology Show

Historian Billy Griffiths has written a very interesting and unique book related to the historical and ancient past of Australia. Quite a few people came together to create the narrative of history that we know today and their stories are told in this book. Before they did their work the history of Australia was very misunderstood.