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Introduction to History: Research Skills

Learn all about the study of history and the skills you will need to investigate the past

person using MacBook Pro

Source: Avel Chuklanov

One of the key skills you will need when studying history is the ability to research and find accurate and useful information. The Information Skills Process breaks research into six smaller steps: defining, locating, selecting, organising, presenting and assessing. Click through the tabs below to find information on each step in this process.

If you're aiming for better marks in your assignment, it all starts here with defining the task. Because before you even begin your research, you need to understand exactly what you're being asked to do. Click through the links below to get more information from the State Library of Victoria website on each of the steps you need to take when defining your research.

In this section you'll find how to:


Steps in the process:

  • What is my purpose?
  • Why do I need to find this out?
  • What are the key words and ideas of the task?
  • What do I need to do?

If you know where to look and how to search efficiently, you'll find plenty of resources quickly and easily. Click through the links below from the State Library of Victoria to learn more.

In this section you'll find out about:

You can also access our online catalogue here, a guide on web searching here and a collection of great historical databases to help you in your research here.


Steps in the process:

  • What do I already know?
  • What do I still need to find out?
  • What sources and equipment can I use?

Once you've found your resources, you need to choose the best ones to use for your assignment. It's time to critically evaluate what you've read. Click through the links below from the State Library of Victoria to learn more.

In this section you'll find out how to:


Steps in the process:

  • What information can I leave out?
  • How relevant is the information I have found?
  • How credible is the information I have found?
  • How will I record the information I need?

Organising the information you've read into a good set of notes will make writing your assignment much easier and quicker. Click through the links below from the State Library of Victoria to learn more.

In this section you'll find out about:


Steps in the process:

  • Have I enough information for my purpose?
  • Do I need to use all this information?
  • How can I best combine information from different sources?

It's time to use your research and notes to create a piece of work that answers the assignment question, and fulfils your assessment criteria. Click through the links below from the State Library of Victoria to learn more.

In this section you'll find out how to:


Steps in the process:

  • What will I do with this information?
  • With whom will I share this information?

Before you hand in your assignment, you need to assess your own work and try to solve any problems you find. If you take the time to do this, you'll get your best possible mark. Click through the links below from the State Library of Victoria to learn more.

In this section you'll find out how to:


Steps in the process:

  • Did I fulfill my purpose?
  • How did I go - with each step of the information process?
  • How did I go - presenting the information?
  • Where do I go from here?