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Covid 19: Covid 19

Resources for self-care to maintain your wellbeing during lockdown periods, and other COVID-19 related stress.

Living through the Covid 19 pandemic can be very difficult at times. With lots of uncertainty, learning from home, and your regular social life constantly interrupted it's perfectly naturally to find your wellbeing suffering. This guide will give you a number of resources to help you manage the stress of living through Covid 19, and some ideas on how to support your wellbeing through this difficult time. And as always, the Wellbeing Team is available for help whenever you need!


Dealing with stress

This interactive guide from Headspace talks about stress, how we experience it in our bodies, and some of the ways we can manage it.

What is mindfulness?

This interactive guide from Headspace talks about mindfulness, describing what it is, how it can help in times of stress, and some suggested mindfulness activities.

How to be awesome at self care

Learning to look after yourself will build your self-confidence and help you give out positive vibes. It’s not always easy to get into the habit of self-care, so here are a few ideas to get you started.

A guide to dealing with constant change due to COVID-19

From the moment when COVID-19 first steamrolled into our lives, we've had to learn to deal with change, as each stage of the pandemic has changed the way we live, work and socialise. While it's normal to feel frustrated and unsettled by all this uncertainty, there are ways you can equip yourself while dealing with life changes.

10 ways to take care of yourself during COVID-19

The world is pretty topsy-turvy right now, because of the global panic around coronavirus (COVID-19). If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed by it all, be reassured that this is a very normal response. However, it’s important to go easy on yourself and to take time for self-care.

Small Steps: an action plan for mental health

Making big changes can be overwhelming. Focus on the small steps you can take every day — you’d be surprised at the difference it can have on your mental health. Use this Action Plan to set out some goals for the small steps you want to take.

COVID-19: Quarantine, isolation and lockdown

During the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re probably having to stay home and practice social distancing. This can make you feel all sorts of things! This guide from Kids Helpline provides a tonne of resources to help you get through this tricky time!

How to nail your study-life balance

As the coronavirus continues to have an impact on all aspects of life, it's never been more important to tee up a solid work, life and study balance. There's a fair bit of bad news doing the rounds, not to mention a lot more time spent inside (aka ‘The Great Indoors’), so it’s crucial to maintain a healthy mix of study and fun times.

5 apps to help you study at home

While it’s a tough ask to eliminate stress about studying from home completely, there are some study apps that can help make it all a little more manageable. Here are the best study apps to get you on the right track.

How to manage your time

Studying means managing a bunch of competing deadlines. It can be overwhelming and sometimes it feels impossible. Figuring out the best ways to study means developing strategies for planning your time that will help you to stay calm, organised, and on top of everything. 

Lifeline: 13 11 14 or

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or

Beyondblue: 1300 224 636 or

Headspace: visit to find your nearest centre or call eheadspace on 1800 650 890

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 or


SANE Australia: 1800 187 263 or


Calm is a free iOS and Android app that offers guided mindfulness meditation and touts itself as “the #1 app for meditation and sleep.” It’s free to download, although the free content is limited. The app initially offers a “7 Days of Calm” course which introduces you to mindfulness meditation, as well as some guided and unguided meditation sessions.

The Smiling Mind

The Smiling Mind app is a good choice for beginners to meditation and mindfulness. This app is available on the App Store and on Google Play and is completely free to use, which is rare to find in any app these days! It was also designed by psychologists and educators to work well for people of all ages.


Welzen is a free iOS and Android app which covers several aspects of mindfulness meditation, beginning with a 5-day training course. After that, the app offers guided meditation programs as well as individual guided mindfulness meditation sessions. Users can choose from several 5, 10, 15, and 20-minute single meditation sessions or choose a meditation series to practice. 

The 7 Minute Workout

The 7 minute workout challenge is a research backed work-out program that only requires a chair, a wall and your own body weight. Twelve high intensity exercises with video and audio instructions are performed for 30 seconds with 10 second rest intervals. To increase motivation, you can earn rewards, set up daily reminders, unlock different exercises and track your progress visually.